January blog
What we’ve been doing in January 2021
During the first month of the new year our weekly topics of Winter, Robots, The Gruffalo and The Rainforest have enabled all the children to develop in all areas of learning. As parents of children attending Little Angels Day Care will know everyone who attends Little Angels are invited to join in with sensory play, cooking or crafts and more every day.
Songs and stories
Children are encouraged to join with their friends in story and song times each day, we have enjoyed learning some new songs together this month our favourite was ‘Elephant’s Playing’ and we are all now well versed in the words of The Gruffalo!
Learning new facts
We recently received a donation of a very big television. The children have enjoyed the opportunity to watch documentaries and the occasional movie. Whilst learning about The Rainforest we enjoyed watching a documentary about the animals that can be found in the rainforest and learning what they eat and how the move around.
See for yourself
Following feedback from a couple of parents that it is difficult to know what the children have been doing since you can’t come into the nursery we thought that you would like to see for yourself. We hope you have been enjoying the variety of photographs we have been displaying at the nursery entrance. You will see that the children at Little Angels have been very busy making things such as giant robots and vegetable filled smoothies. We’ve also been learning all about the benefits of physical exercise from daily drama sessions to obstacle courses and PE with Joe Wicks!
Supporting your child’s development
Every child who attends Little Angels Day Care benefits from having a key person. As parents at Little Angels will know their child’s key person is responsible for regularly observing and assessing each child to ensure they are making good progress. Key people also plan for each child’s development, setting ‘next steps’ to ensure they develop well. We continue to meet as a team every morning, discussing next steps as a team means that we all know where each child is expected to go next. Every child is planned for everyday with individualised opportunities offered for them to meet their goals.